Cultural Bias

Perhaps the bias of culture and institutions against women is not new to you. You probably may have been a victim of one such bias.


Cultural bias is oddly a topic less constrained than women from all backgrounds could relate with, given its universality.

Traditions, cultures, and even the laws of different jurisdictions hold the place of women to be expressively beneath that of the men. Admittedly, there have been improvements in laws that cater to women's welfare in many territories, but the implementation seems slow in catching up.

Cultural bias against women comes in many forms.

It could be denying them of a good education or access to the right information that could have equipped women to stand a better chance as professional business people.


Some cultures and religious practices see women owning a business as improper.

They often require such women to have a male partner before they are taken seriously. This challenge further strengthens the stereotype and set of limiting beliefs that the face of business is masculine.

Unmute is a response to the recognition of the abysmal cultural bias that silences women. Most women approach business from a limited worldview and self-deprecating subservience, which they learned from cultures that only tame them.